Sunday, December 14, 2008

Support Needed

Trusting the Lord as my provider, I will pledge a

______ monthly gift ______ one time gift

of $ ________ to Semillas de Esperanza

I will pledge

______ prayer support

______ to be a stateside retailer of Semillas de Esperanza products


In the beginning stages...

It is with complete joy and anticipation that I am writing to help convey the vision and conviction that God has put on my heart. After living and working in Tegucigalpa, Honduras for the past 2 ½ years, I have finally decided to put into action the desire God has given me to work with adolescent girls who so desperately need guidance, discipleship, and most importantly, a hope for the future.
Semillas, in Spanish, has a double meaning. Most literally, it means ‘seeds’ with the phrase semillas de esperanza meaning ‘seeds of hope.’ However, beads are also called semillas, and through my ministry I am striving to use something as simple as beads to create a hope and a future for these young girls.
Living in some of the most poverty striken, marginalized areas in Honduras, these young girls struggle daily to provide for themselves and often times their families, and yet have nothing in which they can claim ownership. Through Semillas de Esperanza, I am hoping to provide an area of ministry in which needs are met spiritually, financially, and physically through their own creativity and undertaking. Our line of handmade jewelry will allow 100% of the proceeds to go to meeting the needs of these girls, but this can only be accomplished through your prayers and support.
The more time I live in Honduras, the more God has given me spiritual eyes that see the surrounding need of those around me; His precious children. I am asking you to join with me in this step of faith and be partners with me in this endeavor. Whether you feel led to contribute financially, through prayer, or both, all of your support is appreciated. I feel greatly blessed and honored to be doing the Lord’s work in Honduras and I am excited to see how God will work in the lives of these girls. Please take time to fill out the enclosed card so that I may keep you updated in our work.

In His Service,
Macayla Purchase